A downloadable game

There are fish swimming in the aquarium. Each fish has the following innate parameters:

1) The maximum number of health points. Determines the maximum size of the fish.

2) Protection. Determines the strength of its scales. The higher the defense, the less damage the fish receives when attacking it, but the heavier the scales.

3) Attack power. Determines how much damage the fish does in one bite.

The bite takes away a certain amount of health points from the target of the attack, and passes it to the fish. The bite force depends on the number

of attack points of the fish, and its current size.

4) Field of view. The fish perceives only one object closest to it at a time. The field of view

determines the maximum distance at which the fish is able to perceive.

5) The speed of movement at rest. The speed at which the fish moves, if there are no objects in its field of vision for perception,

or these objects are indifferent to it.

6) The speed of movement in the active state. The speed at which a fish moves, attacking an object that has fallen into its field of view,

or escaping from it.

Also, when moving, the fish always spends health points. The amount of spending depends on the current speed of movement, the size of the fish,

slightly from its field of view, and the severity of its scales.

7) The percentage of separation. By eating food, a fish, if it is viable, accumulates health points faster than it spends them. When the accumulated

number of health points equals the maximum possible for this fish, a descendant will bud off from it. The percentage of separation

determines how many health points will be transferred to the descendant, and how many fish will keep for themselves.

8) The value system. Each fish has a tendency to one or another behavior in relation to the nearest perceived object.

The fish can ignore it, continuing the previously started action, attack, or go on the run when it is perceived.

The actions of the fish are determined by the color of the perceived object, as well as its relation to this color.

Mutation: Every time a fish is budded, its descendant inherits its innate parameters, but one of the parameters

changes slightly up or down. In case the mutation makes the descendant less adapted to the current conditions

aquarium, he will have less chance to survive and give offspring. Otherwise, the chances will increase. This is

how natural selection and the gradual evolution of fish dynasties take place. Also, the descendant inherits the name of the ancestor fish, allowing you to track

the dynasties. By clicking on the fish with the right mouse button and selecting the "show information" item in the window that appears, the player can find

out the values of the parameters of the fish and its progenitor.

Start of the game session: At the beginning of the game session, the original fish that should later give offspring appear at

random points in the aquarium, and their parameters are randomly generated.

Algae also appear in random places, visualized in the form of gray circles. Their color is chosen so that the

average fish is most likely to cause a desire to attack the algae. In the future, new algae will

grow next to the algae already available.

Additional elements:

by clicking the middle mouse button on an empty area of the aquarium, the player can create a toxic puddle and a wall.

Wall: An insurmountable barrier in the way of fish and algae. It is useful for creating delimited sections of the aquarium.

Toxic puddle: a section of the aquarium with configurable toxicity and the rate of change of toxicity.

Setup: The player can adjust the size of the aquarium, the maximum number of fish, the initial number of progenitor fish at

the beginning of the game session, the maximum amount of food, the nutritional value of each food unit, the flow rate. These

parameters can be configured both at the beginning of the game session and in the process.

There are no goals and objectives. The gameplay consists in observing the bizarre course of the evolution of electronic fish.


CruelFish 1.2.4.zip 3.4 MB

Install instructions

just download and unpack/


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Поиграл немного, игра довольно пустая, не хватает возможности поставить на паузу. После выхода из игры, не сохраняются настройки мира. Довольно быстро начинает доминировать 1 вид, который останется доминантным скорее всего, после 10 симуляций, всегда оставались только хищники.

1. Добавить элемент эволюции для водорослей или других растений. 

2. Влияние солнечного света на водоросли, а может быть и рыб

И вот, приложение можно назвать почти полноценной игрой, ведь изменяется не только вид, но и способ выжить для этого вида, чтобы динамичность была динамична. 

Игру пока что не скачал, комментарий основан на описании. После опыта в приложении напишу оценку